For the past few years I’ve become somewhat fascinated and a little obsessed with photography as a hobby and have found many ways to improve my real estate business through the use of good photography technics. Since 2006 I’ve read as many books on photography as I could get my hands on as well as followed many great photographers online. In the fall of 2010 I starting to think it was time to get serious about improving my skills and further enhance my real estate business through the use of photography. At that point I had accumulated enough equipment to set up a studio or shoot any home in Calgary I would be faced with. While I was contemplating different courses a good friend of mine Norm Fisher who is also a Realtor and shares the same passion for photography gave me a call and mentioned Scott Hargis a world renowned photographer from Oakland California was coming to Calagry to teach a workshop on interior photography. Feeling a little over whelmed to take a course with from a guy that taught technics to the likes of Scott Kelby was a little overwhelming for me. Regardless I jumped in with both feet and agreed to take the workshop. The workshop was put on by The Camera Store here in Calgary and was only open for 8 photographers to go one on one with Scott for 2 fully packed days in a beautiful home in Mardaloop. To date the workshop has been the best investment I’ve made in my business bar none. The technics and tips Scott shared with us were amazing and I had my moneys worth in the first three hours. He was also very patient and understanding as Norm and I were the only two people taking the course that were not professional photographers. I must say everyone was very keen to learn and we all caught on quickly. Everyone had a great time with Scott, I would certainly recommend his workshops to anyone that is serious about learning to shoot real estate photography.
Below are just some of the shots from the workshop and a link to others we took that day. You can also check out more images on Scott’s blog.
More great photos of Calgary homes to come!! Just need to get some more listing now to test out the new technics!!
Thanks for the great and informative post. This would be of great help for property sellers. I’d agree that taking pictures of the home you are selling will make things a lot easier for the seller. Photos show the buyers what they are investing in. Lesser worries on the buyer’s part, and lesser hassle on the seller’s part.
Great posting guys. Indeed, photography is a great tool in promoting a certain property for sale. The buyer will be able to see “what’s in it for him” as he is planning to buy that prospective property. These are also great homes as well in the photos, truly worth the investment of the seller.