Welcome to Diamond Cove in S.E. Calgary. Here you can view up to date real estate sales data including average sale prices for single family homes and condos in Diamond Cove, as well as price trends since the year 2000. You will also find neighbourhood profiles that include information such as: average household income, school locations, occupational statistics and various information that I hope will make your home buying or selling decision easier.
If you are planning to buy or sell a home in Diamond Cove, and would like an update on recent sales or listing activity in the Diamond Cove area, please feel free to contact me. I am always glad to answer your questions regarding Calgary Real Estate.
If you are looking for MLS homes and condos for sale, please go to our Diamond Cove Real Estate page.
Diamond Cove Real Estate Sales for 2008
Type Of Home SOLD |
Single Family Detached Homes |
Condominiums |
Number Of Homes SOLD |
6 |
N/A |
Average Days on Market |
28 |
N/A |
Lowest Sale Price |
$409,000 |
N/A |
Highest Sale Price |
$715,000 |
N/A |
Average Sale Price |
$558,050 |
N/A |
Average House Price Trend For Diamond Cove 2000 – 2008
Diamond Cove Population 2002 – 2006
Average Household Income For Diamond Cove Residents
Please note income data was collected from the Statistics Canada Cencus 2001, and income levels may vary in current dollars