Welcome to Lynnwood Ridge, Riverglen, & Ogden in S.E. Calgary. Here you can view up to date real estate sales data including average sale prices for single family homes and condos in Lynnwood Ridge, Riverglen, & Ogden, as well as price trends since the year 2000. You will also find neighbourhood profiles that include information such as: average household income, school locations, occupational statistics and various information that I hope will make your home buying or selling decision easier.
If you are planning to buy or sell a home in Lynnwood Ridge, Riverglen, & Ogden, and would like an update on recent sales or listing activity in the Lynnwood Ridge, Riverglen, & Ogden area, please feel free to contact me. I am always glad to answer your questions regarding Calgary Real Estate.
If you are looking for MLS homes and condos for sale, please go to our Lynnwood, Riverglen & Ogden Real Estate page.
Lynnwood Ridge, Riverglen, & Ogden Real Estate Sales for 2008
Type Of Home SOLD |
Single Family Detached Homes |
Condominiums |
Number Of Homes SOLD |
20 |
10 |
Average Days on Market |
45 |
35 |
Lowest Sale Price |
$250,000 |
$200,000 |
Highest Sale Price |
$447,000 |
$260,000 |
Average Sale Price |
$331,375 |
$235,850 |
Average House Price Trend For Lynnwood Ridge, Riverglen, & Ogden 2000 – 2008
Lynnwood Ridge, Riverglen, & Ogden Population 2002 – 2006
Average Household Income For
Lynnwood Ridge, Riverglen, & Ogden Residents
Please note income data was collected from the Statistics Canada Cencus 2001, and income levels may vary in current dollars