Getting married, divorce, death and moving are the four most stressful experiences in life.
There are two very different needs that people have while moving. First there are the transactional needs, like finding the home that is just right for you, finding a seller who is realistic, negotiating the price, filling out the paperwork, handling the legalities, and arranging for the move. But there are also emotional needs that are involved when moving, and this is where the biggest stress comes in. Any competent Realtor will handle the transactional needs for you, but if your emotional needs are not satisfied, you’ll be frustrated and may not act in your own best interests. The ideal Realtor is one, who is competent with paperwork and numbers, but can also guide, direct, and counsel you through the emotional ups and downs of moving. Here are the six best ways I have found to beat the stress.
Begin With the End in Mind
Work out an ultimate scenario of where you’re trying to be. What will life be like when you get there? How will it be better than where you are now? Dwell on that picture and write it out, fill up at least a page of ideas and thoughts about how it will feel to be settled in the new place. This is imperative. Having the goal in front of you at all times energizes you to achieve it, in spite of setbacks and frustrations. Emotions will run high and you need an anchor.
Prepare Yourself Financially
When preparing your estimate of the amount of cash required to complete your transaction, overestimate by at least two thousand dollars. Most buyers feel a bit overwhelmed when taking on a new mortgage and the responsibilities of a new home. Frustration quickly sets in when additional, unanticipated expenses arise. It’s even worse when the buyer is not prepared to deal with them. As your Realtor , I always strive to provide you with an accurate estimate of the costs involved in your purchase. Unfortunately, from time to time things come up that nobody expected and nobody can control. For example, your purchase could be held up at the Land Titles office resulting in additional interest payable to the seller. Anticipate the unexpected and enjoy the rewards of being prepared for the worst-case scenario.
Work With a Competent Realtor
There’s just so much to do, it’s easy to panic. You wonder if it will ever work out. In fact, when I bought my first home, I felt sick and couldn’t eat for a day and couldn’t sleep for three days! You may think you’re taking a big chance, but the truth is you’re giving yourself a big chance. Even though you can’t see every step of the way, as you move towards your goals, the way opens up. You may not have moved in a long time and it can be a major upheaval in your life. A competent, caring Realtor can make a world of difference in providing direction and reassurance. Remember, I’ve been through this process hundreds of times and I’ll be looking out for your interests every single step of the way. Trust that I know how to get you there.
Take the Time to Educate Yourself
There’s nothing worse than feeling like you’re at the mercy of other people. People generally feel out of control when they lack an understanding of the process. It feels like everyone else has taken over your decisions in life and you’re just not sure if things are unfolding the way they should. Of course, you can count on me for professional advice and guidance throughout the entire transaction, but gaining an understanding of the process will give you added confidence and reassurance that things are in order. Call me at my office today and arrange a complimentary consultation to discuss your concerns.
Understand Your Options
When things don’t go as smoothly as you had hoped, don’t let your emotions take over. Always ask yourself, “What are my options?” because there are always options. Let’s pretend the lender takes longer than agreed upon to get your loan. He keeps asking you for more and more documentation until it feels like he also needs to know how many fillings you have in your mouth! You’ll feel upset because you wanted to feel 100% certain about the move and now you still have to live with the uncertainty. You want to say “Forget it; I’m fed up with this!” But what is your option? Find a new lender and start the process over again? That may take weeks, plus you will have to provide all the paperwork over again. If the lender is trying his best, it may be better to give him a few more days. Each case is unique, but when setbacks occur we’ve found that asking yourself this question helps to defuse the situation and restore clear headed thinking.
Take a Break From It All
When there’s nothing you can do about the situation, take your mind off of it altogether. Maybe you expected loan approval on Friday, but now it won’t come until Monday. You hate being in limbo and feeling powerless (so do I). So do something else entirely, maybe something where you aren’t powerless. Take a hike, play tennis, get out of town for the day. Watch a movie, pray, or pour yourself into your work. Now would be a good time to engage in whatever diversion works best for you. Just forget the situation and refuse to listen to those irritating thoughts when they come into your head. Think about something else instead and just take it one day at a time.
To keep stress to a minimum, here’s how I’ll serve you when you work with me in buying your new home:
- Give my best-reasoned expert counsel and advice with your best interests in mind.
- Help you to clarify your goals and motivation, and decide if moving is the wisest choice at this time. id it isn’t I will certainly let you know. I don’t want to waist your time or mine.
- Negotiate effectively for you to get the lowest possible price for your new home.
- Treat your money like it was my own, shaving every expense possible.
- Protect your interests during the entire process, keeping a detailed record of the transaction.
- Be your levelheaded sounding board or relief valve when the stress is overwhelming. Counsel you through the feelings of “buyer’s remorse.” I am kind of like Dr. Phil that way.
- Alert you ahead of time to every possibility so you feel more in control.
- Contact you often during the final days of the transaction to serve your needs.
- Provide guidance and help with movers, change of address, utilities shut off, cleaning, etc.
- Continue to give you information of value after the transaction… for life.